Ask for a referral. Find out if you are eligible for cardiac rehab and if it is recommended for you.
Enroll. If your doctor gives you a prescription to participate in cardiac rehab, make sure you go. It’s one of the best ways to improve your heart health and make the most gains after a cardiac event.
Make it a standing date with yourself. Cardiac rehab is an investment in your future health, so make it a priority. Adding two or three appointments to an already busy week can be hard, especially if you have to keep up with demands
at work and home. Try to schedule your sessions when you know you can get there, and at times when it will be the least disruptive.
Learn all you can. The old adage “knowledge is power” is especially true when managing a chronic health issue. Your rehab team can help you understand your condition, your limits and what medications and lifestyle changes
you need to keep you feeling good and hopefully prevent a future problem or hospital visit. Lean on them as a resource and ask questions.
Set goals together. Work with your rehab team to set goals that are realistic for you and that you feel good about. It’s easier to stick with an exercise program if you find activities you enjoy and that are safe for you.
Express your concerns. Let your doctor or rehab team know if there is something that is hindering your ability to get the most from your rehabilitation. This will help you reach your goals.
Keep at it. After you complete the program, you may choose to continue cardiac rehab on your own or with your peers. This is called Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation and more often than not, will not be covered by your insurance. But
it may cost less than a gym membership and many cardiac rehabilitation programs offer this as an option to continue your exercise program lifelong. Remember, this is meant to help support positive, lifelong changes.